Tuesday, July 27, 2010

" Living Forever"

Living forever, oh, marvelous thought!
Jesus to me immorality brought.
Living forever, though stars may decay,
Suns cease to shine and the world pass away!

Living forever; Dying, no, never;
Life everlasting My portion shall be.
Wonderful story! To God be the glory!
I shall be living for all eternity.

Living forever where death is unknown,
Dwelling where sin never reigned on the throne;
Living forever where sorrowless days,
Days never ending are fragrant with praise!

Living forever where love never dies,
In that fair land where are said no goodbys;
Living forever where hope is fulfilled
And all the voices of sorrow are stilled!

Living forever - oh, destiny bright -
In that bright Eden where cometh no night!
Living forever with Jesus will be
Heaven and glory sufficient for me.

- Haldor Lillenas, 1885-1959

Copyright 1923 Renewed 1951 by Lillenas Publishing Co.

Copied from “Worship In Song” Copyright © 1972 by Lillenas Publishing Company

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